Friday, February 25, 2011

Book Review #21 - Fallen (Fallen #1) by Lauren Kate


Some Angels are destined to fall.

Instant. Intense. Weirdly familiar.....

The moment Luce looks at Daniel she knows she has never felt like this before.

Except she can't shake the feeling that she has...... and with him - a boy she doesn't even remember ever setting eyes on.

Will her attempt to find out why enlighten her - or destroy her?

My Rating: 3/5

I think this book would have been alot better if it was condensed and if it paced itself a little more evenly.

The plot was very, very slow until the last fifty pages or so where it picks up and all the action was crammed.

I have been putting off reading this book for so long because of all the negative reviews I have read about it.

I can see where those negative reviews are coming from as it took me forever to get into the book. I still don't know whether I completely liked it or not. There were parts in the book that I still don't fully understand.

I wished there was more of a history of the main characters, and that the supporting characters had more depth.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. :)

    Well, I was going to read this one next, but now I'm tempted to hold off for a while longer.

    *stares at my pile of TBR books*

